You might be thinking of relocating your child in Pennsylvania but before doing so there are factors that you need to consider before asking the judge to do so. Below are the factors that you need to consider before asking a judge to relocate your child: You should check on the nature, quality, duration and […]

Divorce A number of people are asking themselves what divorce is all about, what it is composed of and the circumstances under which it is executed. Divorce can be defined as the legal procedure that terminates a marriage between two people in a relationship. In other words it can also be referred to as the […]

When parties file for divorce, they normally intend to simply follow procedure to split assets and legally end their relationship. Sometimes, things aren’t that straight forward, and in a recent case, the parties actually had to prove they were ever even married in the first place. The couple had been together since 1991 and entered […]

So you’re ready to start over, or think you are, or maybe you’re not sure if you can. Moving on can be both scary and exciting. Encouragement from supportive friends and family can make dating seem like the next logical thing to do when a couple splits, but there are more than a few “don’ts” […]

Bucks County Divorce

A  Bucks County divorce may be granted under special marital circumstances.  Marriages deemed irretrievable or extreme in nature typically receive consideration. Divorce and custody lawyers are knowledgeable in complex divorce laws.  Often, divorce is more challenging than couples anticipate. Either spouse may fail to realize the various Bucks County divorce laws which may be applicable.  Divorces involving, […]

Father’s Contract Fines Himself 10K to Modify Custody   Divorce, support and custody are all separate actions. Public policy does not allow parents to bargain away support payments and any contracts are scrutinized to ensure fairness and the best interests of the child. When parties are able to come to agreements outside of the court […]

Why and how a forensic accountant be critical in a complex divorce   The divorce process requires parties divide everything, separate their lives in every sense. Some aspects of this notion are much easier than others – in some cases, emotionally and physically separating were the easy parts. When couples are tasked with dividing complex […]

As of May 20, 2014, Pennsylvania has joined eighteen other states in the legalization of same-sex marriage. The resulting changes have raised many questions as to how same sex spouses will be considered under existing law. The implications of Whitewood v. Wolf on the Pennsylvania title and encumbrance principles now permits same sex couples to […]

Are you fed up with your soon to be ex-spouse saying awful, embarrassing, remarks or accusations about you? Most divorce cases involve a lot of tumult and emotional conversations which take time to settle down. But often, clients wonder if there is something they can do now to make it stop such as suing for […]

An objective look at hiring a divorce lawyer When you are facing a major decision that normally comes with a big price tag, you want to look into every possible option before making the purchase. Just like any other venture in life, deciding on whether or not to hire an attorney should provoke the fundamental […]

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